person: odaliska or danaia or maybe salome. or sabine...
plant: cherry tree, dry homegrown slovenian pumpkins
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
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veggies make people make veggie photos // tits among other things make people make tits photos
i believe this is called a φαλλός symbol
you can call it like that, also. (mrjn)
come on - the guitar is no plant at all! it used to be, but now it's not! you're cheating!
i don't think so, we had a lot of dry plants in previous photos...
i think we should make some rules
lest they call us inbred fools;
no object should ever come
in lieu of the tit and plant!
no object should e'er surpass
in greatness and/or in size
the real subject of our blog
(which is neither cat nor dog
nor guitar... nor croissant...)
the subject is tit, and plant!
hear hear!
the question is: how do we decide to deal with the various representations of plants in the modern day life? do you think of the guitar as a simulacra of a plant? i do not. it is just another plant derived object. the photo of a plant or a painted plant can still be considered a plant, but an object that once used to be such - not!
when you post on blog please sign
so i know which post is mine,
whom i hate, and whom despise?
who id like to lose their eyes?
as for topic being discuss'd
i said that which should be heard.
check the title of our blog
gitara is not the word!
pa kaj josh niste skuzili da sam ja(sna) anonimus? molim da mi se to ne uzurpira... iako su se vech i drugi potpisivali mojim imenom. vi se potpisujte, meni pustite tishinu... ah aha ah... ma zaboravim se
who is thy that made such a lie? everyone knows i strongly discourage writing in croatian as well as the use of my first name... impostors!
ovak, posto meni argumentacija na engleskom ne ide bas dobro, evo malo hrvatskog, unatoc molbi da se doticnim jezikom ne koristimo. cak i ukoliko gitaru odbijemo shvatiti kao nekadasnju biljku u cistom obliku, molim da se primijeti da na gitari stoje dvije tikve! tak da slika ima smisla i dalje. ko sto smo u jednoj od prijasnjih fotaka imali kazun kao romanticarski momenat, sada je tu girata, kao pikasovski momenat. a posto je odluka da se ime bloga promijeni iz titstruplants u titsandplants jos uvijek aktualna, ne vidim u cemu je problemikus... nemojmo sad pravit razlike medju sisama niti biti dikriminatorni spram biljaka. pluralizam, demokraticnost i dobrodoslost svacijih fotografija je nacelo bloga. predlazem da se kritike, teorijske diskusije, kategorizacije objekata na slikama i vlastita stajalista na blogu iznose u formi fotografija. hvala. uvijek vasa (mrjn)
SISA JE SUPER!!!!! OBJE SU SUPER!!!!! niko nema ništa protiv sise
The guitar is a musical instrument with ancient roots that is used in a wide variety of musical styles. It typically has six strings, but four, seven, eight, ten, twelve and eighteen string guitars also exist.
napad na moju umjetnost napad je na socijalizam i napredak.
Hey, next time more tits & less plants Oo
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