Tuesday, March 31, 2020

la giovinezza sta trascorrendo in solitudine

person: quarantined bride
plant: parsley and radish, appropriate

Sunday, March 29, 2020

partners in lust, partners in crime

persons: naughty girls
plant: dracaenaceae

mellow light on carnal beauty

person: melancholic
plant: spiky

Saturday, March 28, 2020

the precious shy one

person: shy, but still brave
plant: ivy, but not the poisonous one

blurry technology, blurry people, blurry tits, blurry is the future

person: poet
plant: kakti

Friday, March 27, 2020

going wilde with medical equipment

person: keeping it safe
plant: table counts as plant, right?

faded feathers brought to life again

person: the one that beaks the rules
plant: there is no plant, but there are tits

spooky nights and days

person: a brave one
plant: are they real? are they fake? just like with tits - who cares!

tits, plants and erathquakes

person: isolated
plant: monster

selfisolation brings out the best from the past

person: scared as shit
plant: one that is already dead, another one that is older than the person

old still standing, new yet to grow. a study of ficus after the earthquake.

person: earthquake survivor
plant: ficus